Wuhan Chancay Machinery & Electronics Co., Ltd., China.

Company Contact Address:

Address: Wuhan Chancay Machinery & Electronics Co., Ltd., 11/F Juhaohuating Building, 460 Wuluo Road, Wuhan, 430070, Hubei Province, China

Telephone: + 86-27-50705099, 50705100, 50705197

Fax: + 86-27-50705098

E.mail address: Chancay@163.com

Website: http://www.chancay.com.cn

Company Products

1. Hand Tractor/Power Tiller

2. Wheel Tractor

3. All Terrain Vehicles (ATVs)

4. Backhoe

5. Front End Loader

6. Wood Chipper

7. Rotary Mower

8. Water Pump


This company listing was made with the assistance of the Asian and Pacific Centre for Agricultural Engineering and Machinery (APCAEM). APCAEM does not necessarily endorse this company or its products and services.