French Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Directory
Machinery Index (H-O)



8. HH

Hand Held Sprayers

Hand Tools - Land Development

Hand Tools - Orchard

Hand Tools - Primary Tillage

Hand Tools - Secondary Tillage

Hand Tractors

Harrow - Animal Drawn

Harrow - Heavy Disc - Primary Tillage

Harrow - Offset Disc - Secondary Tillage

Harrow - Power

Harrow - Tandem Disc - Secondary Tillage

Harvesters - Asparagus

Harvesters - Combine

Harvesters - Cotton Picker/Stripper

Harvesters - Forage

Harvesters - Fruit

Harvesters - Grain Stripper

Harvesters - Groundnut/Peanut

Harvesters - Pea and Bean

Harvesters - Rice

Harvesters - Rootcrop

Harvesters - Sugar Beet

Harvesters - Sugar Cane

Harvesters - Tea

Harvesters - Tobacco

Harvesters - Tomato

Harvesters - Tractor Mounted

Harvesters - Vegetable

Health and Safety - First Aid Equipment

Health and Safety - Protective Clothing

Health and Safety - Respirators

Health and Safety - Reversing Safety Products

Hedge Cutting Equipment

Hoppers - Grain/Feed

Horticultural Irrigation Systems

Horticultural Tractors

Housing - Beef Cattle

Housing - Pig

Housing - Poultry

Housing - Sheep and Goat

Hydraulic Markers

Hydroponic Irrigation Systems

9. II

Incubators - Poultry

Industrial Crop Processing

Inter-Row Cultivator

Irrigation - Fertiliser Metering Systems

Irrigation Systems - Drip

Irrigation Systems - Horticultural

Irrigation Systems - Hydroponic

Irrigation Systems - Moving Sprinkler

Irrigation Systems - Raingun

Irrigation Systems - Stationary Sprinkler

10. JJ

11. KK

Knapsack Sprayers

12. LL

Land Levellers

Land Planes

Laser Levellers

Leaf/Haulm Toppers

Linkages - Tractor

Liquid Chemical Fertiliser Applicators

Livestock Mats

Loaders - Front End

Loaders - Self-Propelled Bucket

Loaders - Silage Clamp

13. MM

Maize Picker/Husker Harvesters

Maize Shellers

Manure Drying, Composting and Processing Equipment

Manure - Liquid Slurry Injectors

Manure - Liquid - Storage Tanks

Manure - Pressure Washers

Manure Scrapers

Manure Spreaders - Liquid

Manure Spreaders - Solid

Markers - Hydraulic

Marking Devices - Spray Bout

Meteorological Equipment

Milking/Processing Equipment - Sheep and Goats

Milking Parlour Equipment - Dairy

Mixer/Feeder Wagons

Mole Ploughs

Monitoring Equipment - Crop Storage

Mouldboard Plough/Plow

Mounted Granular Fertiliser Spreaders

Mounted Harvesters - Tractor

Mounted Sprayers


Mulching Machinery - Plastic/Polythene

14. NN


No-Till Grain Drills

No-Till Precision Planters

Nozzles - Sprayer

15. OO

Offset Disc Harrows - Heavy Duty - Land Development

Offset Disc Harrows - Secondary Tillage

Oilseed Processing Machinery

Orchard Hand Tools (Pruners etc.)

Orchard Sprayers

Orchard Tillage Equipment